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AI Art Beyond X: Poll Results

Updated: Jun 27

Welcome to another detailed look at our community! These polls occurred during the last half of May and focused on how people were using their AI art outside of X.

Let's take a look.

Social Media

There are a number of different social media sites out there. Personally I use X as my main account, but I also have accounts on four other sites (check out my Link Tree if you're curious).

I ran a poll to ask about everyone's social media use and honestly I was a little surprised by the results.

A whopping 62.1% of you reported that they only use X! I think this really emphasizes the quality and size of our community here compared to other social media sites.

17.2% answered that they use one other platform, while 20.7% reported using multiple platforms.

I wish I could do more detailed questions on this but I'm afraid X doesn't like people using the names of its competitors.

Here are a couple comments from the poll:

@WaywardPhantoms said: "I've tried on other platforms before, but they were so much less alive, and some communities hate AI art with a burning passion lol, so that's not my crowd either. So right now I'm only on X (and my own blog, and Discord for chatting)."

@H2_Hamburg_DE said: "Hey Magik, there are so many fantastic platforms to use. Some offer incredible benefits, such as @thehugxyz (artist portfolio pages, NFT, Blogs, Calls) and

@HelloUncut  (gallery + unique URLs + NFT sales), to name just two. X is, of course, the best platform for digital art social networking"


Social media is great but there's nothing like having your own website to represent you and your work.

I asked the community whether or not they had a website and if it was AI art related. Here are the results:

An even majority of 50% report that they do not have a website, while 13.2% say they do have a website, but it's unrelated to AI art.

13.2% have an AI art portfolio website and 23.7% have an AI art related website for a total of 35.9%.

Here are a few comments from the poll:

@canyonmoongal said: "Just a freebie site that I need to update! (used to have my own sites, but hosting/domains kept getting more expensive)"

@stevegilham1 said: "Since '95, though it moved to the URL in stages, the domain in '99 and the "s" in the mid `10s. The AI art is used as illustration for some of the stories, and some of the RPG pages; adding pictures is a work in progress."

@popped_pixels said: "I have an ArtStation page where I've uploaded a few things related to 3d/game design and photoshop. It's been a year or two since I've done anything with it."

@WaywardPhantoms said: "Yeah, here's mine, and I picked "AI Art Related" because it's primarily for my short fiction and poetry, but all accompanied by AI art, and it also showcases a few AI art pieces on their own that I'm particularly happy with."

Physical Products

Everyone has surely looked at a piece of their work and thought "Wow, this needs to be printed on something!" but what that something would be varies from person to person.

I asked the community what kind of physical item they'd create with their art. I accidentally only ran this poll for one day instead of the usual three, but 53 of you still voted -- thank you!

Nearly one third (32.1%) would make an art print with their work while just over a third (35.8%) would create a t-shirt or other clothing item. 13.2% would create a sticker or stationary.

18.9% selected other and had some amazing ideas!

Here are some of the comments:

@AIMonster_AIM said: "I've thought about making my own little monster trading cards"

@WordSlingingWen said: "I use my Art in my Creative Writing Workbooks to help inspire other creators."

@L4STD4ZE said: "I make canvas' with my art/ images .... it turns out beautiful. Also, I have done posters for fanart stuff."

@MaraeVision said: "Coffee mugs!"

@MindySarver said: "I physically paint the ones I love 🥰"


Thank you for joining me today to go through these poll results! I hope this helped shed some light on our community.

Is there something about our community that you're curious to know? Let me know and I'll try to run a poll to get an answer!

Thank you to those who voted in the polls and especially to those who commented.

If you would like to support my work, consider buying me a coffee.

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