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  • Writer's pictureMagik Chance

Monthly Inspiration: Survival September

Thank you so much to those of you who joined me for Augury August! Unfortunately, August is almost done so it's time to look ahead to September.

This next month will be #SurvivalSeptember! The prompts will focus on wilderness survival topics.

If the prompt sparks a non-survival idea, go for it! You can use these prompts however works best for you. You can participate as little or as much as you like.

Here's the text list for your copy/paste convenience:

1. Shelter

2. Foraging

3. Fire Starting

4. Water Purifying

5. Navigation

6. Fishing

7. Climbing

8. Cooking

9. Camouflage

10. Rafts

11. Hunting

12. Hammock

13. Trapping

14. First Aid

15. Night Watch

16. Signaling

17. Herbal Medicine

18. Weather

19. Tools

20. Rope

21. Food Preservation

22. Tracking

23. Resilience

24. Escape

25. Resources

26. Adaptation

27. Exploration

28. Map Making

29. Communication

30. Rescue

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